Here’s what’s in store this week:
– A spectacular view for the visually-impaired
– Take a seat in a virtual workspace
– Time off for mental health at Nike HQ
Let's go…

Feel the view
Tactile signage is well established as a way of helping visually-impaired travellers navigate their way around the city. But this railing at a viewpoint overlooking the Bay of Naples offers a slightly enhanced experience. It describes, in Braille, the view – although rather than simply listing the visible landmarks it adopts a rather more poetic tone so users enjoy something more than just a description. Nice touch. Perhaps there's an opportunity for inclusive brands to think beyond the functional needs of visually-impaired users to create richer experiences.

Join the flock
If there's one thing working from home (WFH) has shown, it's how much the workplace contributes to productivity and wellbeing. For those of us who may be struggling with WFH or simply looking for a different way of working, have you considered a digital co-working space? One such space is Flock, designed to free you from distraction and get more done. Sessions take place on Zoom, and participants are encouraged to work on camera with fellow 'flockers'. There are different types of sessions available – from silent Deep Dive sessions for focused working, to Power Hours working with peers to get key tasks over the line quickly – with Flock facilitators on hand to keep things moving. Users report not only improved productivity, but a greater sense of satisfaction and wellbeing. Free trials are available.

Just (don't) do it!
Nike bosses recently told staff at the brand's global HQ in Oregon to hang up their trainers for a week for the sake of their mental health. The move comes in response to the pressures of working through the Covid-19 pandemic with employees receiving an open instruction on Linkedin to, “Take the time to unwind, destress and spend time with your loved ones. Do not work.” As the boundaries between working life and personal life have become blurred, more and more companies such as Mozilla, Bumble and Hootsuite are offering time off or greater flexibility around work commitments in an effort to head off staff burnout.