Eco-Innovations: How We Achieved Our B Corp Certification

As part of our application for B Corp status, we had to analyse (and prove) all areas of our business performance, including our environmental impact. In December 2022, B Corp verified us as meeting the highest levels of performance against their environmental criteria – what a result!

"At ThreeTenSeven, we are a force for good. We believe in minimising our footprint on the Earth, making people happier and lending our voices, hands, brains and resources to those who need them most. Over the past five years, we’ve been on a mission to be greener and greater– and that’s why we’re super proud to be a Certified B Corporation".

Here’s a round-up of some of ourbest environmental successes:

  1. We’ve audited our use of single-use plasticsand removed or reduced in every possible area: glass milk bottles, refillable soap and bulk toilet rolls are just a few examples.
  2. We only use cleaning and bathroom supplies with great eco-credentials, we buy from local Leeds-based suppliers for fruit and milk and we provide staff with vegetarian or vegan lunches (sorry Liz, no ham allowed). We choose recyclable and/or plastic-free packaging wherever we can.
  3. We’ve quietly rolled out the use ofenvironmental scorecards for purchases andcarried out environmental audits on our suppliers and products.We’re always happy to share the suppliers who we believe meet the highest standards, so others can benefit from them as well (helping support other small businesses too).
  4. We produce the minimal amount of waste, switched to a green waste company,and are serious about recycling.We’ve installed recycling facilities for all types of rubbish andhave phased out single-use paper towels.
  5. We’ve created a Carbon Reduction Plan using the Net Zero Carbon Supplier Tool – our Net Zero carbon target is 2030. Our Scope 1 report showed our emissions are already low but we’vegot a plan to incorporate sensible recommendations, and Scope 2/3 will be assessed in 2024.We also use renewable energy for our electricity, monitor usage with a smart meter and regularly look at our digital carbon footprint.We’ve even installed water-saving taps.In-house printing is discouraged (unless it’suseful in the studio, such as for checking print, images and colours) and, for commissioned print or other production, we will always prioritise local companies who must match up to our environmental criteria.
  6. We promote public transportand active travelviaCycle Schemeand encourage car-sharing. We’re also looking into incentivising public transport via subsidised or tax-free, seasonal travel tickets.
  7. We use a triple bottom line accounting framework to evaluate our performance onan ongoing basis, looking at social, environmental and economic impact.
  8. We have a staff-created environmental manifesto and all our team members are provided with useful resources to improve their own environmental awareness. Together, they’ve created principles for us all to follow which we also include in the staff Handbook.
  9. We have an Employee Board that helps us monitor and contribute to our B Corp performanceand recommends improvements to the Board. The Board also reviews performance bi-annually and reports the results back to both colleagues and the public via our annual B Corp ImpactReport.

Phew. It sounds like a lot doesn’t it? It’s been a big process, taking over 2 years to date, and we’re still far from perfect, and we won’t stop until we’re sure we’re as green as can be. If you’ve got ideas for suppliers and schemes that we might not be aware of then we’reall ears.

Want to learn more about our B Corp status? Read our B Corp Certification announcement or view our 2023 Impact Report here. Want more examples of our B Corp successes? Get in touch or follow us – we have loads more good stuff to share with you!

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0113 232 9222
The Old Stables
Springwood Gardens
Certified B Corporation
Certified B Corporation
The Old Stables
Springwood Gardens
0113 232 9222
Certified B Corporation