Welcome to ThreeTenSeven: Al Connolly

Introducing our new designer Al Connolly We've asked him a few questions about how he's been getting on in his first month.

One month in, how are you finding it?
Love it, couldn't have landed myself in a better team! Contagiously positive energy with enough creativity to cover a whale.

What brought you to ThreeTenSeven?
ThreeTenSeven aligned more with my personal values. The work’s bold, brave and has real impact. Searching for a new challenge it felt like the right jump to energise my design.

What have you been up to in your first month?
Tons of stuff! I've already worked with some recognisable names on projects that will have a massive reach.... We also got pizza.

How different is it to your previous place of employ?
It's drastically different, for one there is usually a dog or two knocking about the studio!

Have there been any surprise discoveries about ThreeTenSeven now you're in place?
Someone told me the building was haunted but I'm yet to find out.

What's the best thing so far?
Hope you all like cheese because... It’s got to be the people!

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